NEWFOCAS, a real new focus on fostering, is small enough to care, yet large enough to excel and continuously gain knowledge to ensure each trauma informed foster placement offers therapeutic solutions thus achieving the best possible outcomes for the child.
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- Allows the child time to develop at attachment with the foster carer(s) and to settle into a safe, structured, boundaried, predictable, routine.
- Is the child settled, forming attachment, displaying positive behaviour? Are there any areas of concern? Complete strengths and difficulties questionnaire.
- Help children learn emotional regulation and to process non traumatic memories. Give the child regular opportunities to experience positive, non-threatening sensory opportunities.
- Once attachment formed, the carer can help the child contain and manage the upsetting emotions that arise from trauma.
- Life narrative work helps the child form a story that does not carry a personal overwhelming sense of guilt and allows them to be able to tell their story.
Describing ‘why’ and ‘how’
Along with long term stability for children in the care system, NEWFOCAS has a track record of success with children achieving beyond expectations. Our goal is to help children achieve their full potential within a stable, long term, family environment. Where relevant, we also have the experience and expertise to provide parent and child assessments.
We provide quality longer term placements based on a clear model of recovery and a dedicated team around the child, provides 24/7 support from a network of practitioners working cohesively to support a child or young person. Dedicated respite and sessional care completed the team. Every foster carer is allocated a Supervising Social Worker who supports and guides every aspect of their fostering journey, with a strong focus on continuing development and learning. Each child placed is allocated a Therapeutic Social Worker whose aim is to support planned interventions and work collaboratively with children and foster carers. This facilitates changes in behaviour and strengthens resilience and protective factors for child, carer & other team members.
Established in 2000, to ongoing ethical principles, NEWFOCAS is a small, family-like organisation where relationships matter and where the support is proactive and individualised. We understand how trauma, particularly in early childhood, can have a severe impact on a child throughout their life. Although technically a profit-making organisation, we provide value for money and an ethos where surpluses are either taken, modest dividends, or reinvested back into service delivery, financially robust services, supporting better outcomes, and ongoing professional development and research. Directors form part of the working team and all are passionate about positive outcomes for children.
Based in North East Wales, with approved carers across N Wales and the North West of England, NEWFOCAS offers specialist trauma informed placements to children from throughout the UK, using an evidentially researched, 5 stage Neurosequentially Informed Recovery Model. acknowledging the labour-intensive complexity of our task.