S & B live in New Ferry, Wirral

In addition to the excellent support, training, and benefits associated with NEWFOCAS, you will enjoy career development within a highly respected and nationally recognised foster care agency. Furthermore, we have successfully gained the 'Investors in People' award as recognition of our high level of good practice, and pride ourselves on creating a happy, enjoyable, and productive work environment.

  • S & B live in New Ferry, Wirral

    Matching looking for; a Male or female age 5 – 8 years old.                                                                                       

    Carers S & B were approved in 2020, live in New Ferry, Wirral and are looking to be matched for a long term, full-time placement.  Matching must consider their three birth children: Female age 6 and males KJ aged 17 and CB aged 13 and their dog.

    If you have a match for this placement please ring referrals on 01244 550300 or email referrals@newfocas.co.uk   

If you would like to apply for this post, please contact us using the form below.